Calixarenes and macromolecules
Download the catalog of AJELIS calixarene derivatives.
Ion Exchange Fibers for organic synthesis and purifications
May be used directly in organic synthesis or as column packing material for purification purposes.
NFA-S-11 – Weak acid cation exchange nanofiber, form H+.
MFB-S – Weak acid cation exchange microfiber, Sodium form.
MFC-S – Strong acid cation exchange microfiber, H+ form.
MFI-S – Specific fiber modified with nanoparticles of Iron hydroxyde
MFH-S – Intermediate base anion exchange fiber, Cl- form.
MFH-S-OH – Intermediate base anion exchange fiber in OH– form.
Trouvez ces fibres à un prix spécial de lancement dans notre catalogue de calixarenes.